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Amplitud de la distribución de los hematíes (RDW-CV)



Unidades de medida
Proporción, %

Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a red blood cell parameter that measures variability of red cell volume/size (anisocytosis). Depending on the types of hematology analyzer instruments, RDW can be reported statistically as coefficient of variation (CV) and/or standard deviation (SD), RDW-CV and/or RDW-SD, respectively.

RDW-SD takes measurements in "fL" and basically measures the width of red cells size distribution histogram – it calculates the width at the 20% height level of the histogram. The average RBC size therefore has no effect on this parameter and you get MCV or mean corpuscular volume.

RDW-CV is expressed in percentage and is calculated from MCV and standard deviation as follows:

RDW-CV (in percentage) = 1 SD of RBC volume/MCV x 100%

Calculadora en línea de laboratorio. Convertir Amplitud de la distribución de los hematíes (RDW-CV) de Proporción, %. Conversor de unidades convencionales (tradicionales) y unidades SI.  Tabla de conversiones (factor de conversión).