Neutrophils (NEUT)
Neutrophils, the most numerous and important type of leukocytes in the body’s reaction to inflammation, constitute a primary defense against microbial invasion through the process of phagocytosis. They begin working to clear the area of cellular debris through the process of phagocytosis. These cells can also cause some body tissue damage by their release of enzymes and endogenous pyogens. Neutrophils remain in the blood stream for approximately 7-10 hours.
Neutrophils are also known as segmented neutrophils (segs) or polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs, polys). The names given to the neutrophils depend on the maturity of the cells and the appearance of the nucleus of the cells. Mature neutrophils are identified by their characteristic segmented or lobed nucleus and are called segs, or segmented neutrophils. Immature neutrophils are called bands or stabs because the nucleus is not segmented . Normal Range (Adult) Neutrophils 55-70% of all white cells variations from Normal.
An increase in the number of circulating neutrophils is called neutrophilia and can be caused by various bacterial infections; inflammatory diseases such as rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, stress, tissue death or damage; and granulocytic leukemia .
When reporting an increase in neutrophils, the terms "shift to the left" or "shift to the right" may be used . A shift to the left simply means that the increase in neutrophils is due to an increase in the number of immature neutrophils. In the case of an acute infectious process, the body reacts quickly by releasing the neutrophils before they have reached maturity. When this increase in bands is found, it is known as a shift to the left. As the infection or inflammation resolves and the immature neutrophils are replaced with mature cells, the return to normal is called a shift to the right. A shift to the right, although rarely used, may indicate that abnormal or mature neutrophils predominate . This term is also used to mean that the cells have more than the usual number of nuclear segments. This may be seen in liver disease, pernicious anemia, megaloblastic anemia, and Down syndrome.
Neutropenia occurs when too few neutrophils are produced in the marrow, too many are stored in the blood vessel margin, or too many have been called to action and used up. A decrease in the number of circulating neutrophils can be caused by viral diseases and infections such as measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, and influenza. Bone marrow injury and anorexia nervosa can exhibit neutropenia. Interfering Circumstances. Various treatments, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy, carry the risk of decreasing neutrophils. Antibiotics, psychotropic medications, and some antidepressants can also play a role in neutropenia.
SI units Conversion Calculator. Convert Neutrophils (NEUT) level to %, Proportion of 1.0, Fraction. Clinical laboratory units online conversion from conventional or traditional units to Si units. Table of conversion factors for Neutrophils (NEUT) unit conversion to %, Proportion of 1.0, Fraction.