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Unidades de medida
pmol/L, ng/L, ng/dL, ng/100mL, ng%, pg/mL, μIU/mL, mIU/L

There are several conversion factors for renin depending on the method.

pg/mL * 1.67 = μIU/mL (mIU/L)

μIU/mL (mIU/L) * 0.6 = pg/mL

pg/mL * 2.2 = μIU/mL (mIU/L)

μIU/mL (mIU/L) * 0.45 = pg/mL

Renin, a polypeptidic enzyme (MW~ 40000) also known as angiotensinogenase, is a circulating protease secreted by juxtaglomerular cells in the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys in response to l ow blood volume or low body NaCl content.

Renin activates the renin - angiotensin system by cleaving angiotensinogen produced in the liver into angiotensin I (inactive) which is further converted into angiotensin II (active) in the vascular epithelium of the lung. Angiotensin II can cause vasoconstriction by stimulating the central nervous system, in addition it stimulates ADH (antidiuretic hormone) secretion and aldosterone s ecretion from the adrenal gland.

Regulation of blood pressure a nd renal glomerular filtration control are the most important function s of renin - angiotensin system.

Plasmatic concentration of re nin is influenced by concentration of circulating angiotensinogen and subsequently the concentration of angiotensin II. High plasmatic levels of angiot ensin II reduce renin secretion (negative feed back).

Determination of renin plasma levels is useful in the diagnosis of hypertension and in the therapeutic follow up of hypertensive patients. Plasmatic concentration o f renin decreases in patients with hypertension due to a primary hyperaldosteronism, contrary to renovascular hypertension where concentrations of renin and aldosterone are both elevated.

Units description

Nanomole per liter    nmol/L = nM/L = nanomol/L
Picomole per liter    pmol/L = pM/L = picomol/L
Nanogram per liter    ng/L = nanog/L = nanogram/L = ng/liter
Nanogram per deciliter    ng/dL = nanog/dL = nanogram/dL
Nanogram per 100 milliliters    ng/100mL = nanog/100mL = nanogram/100mL
Nanogram percent    ng% = nanog% = nanogram%
Picogram per milliliter    pg/mL = picog/mL = picogram/mL

Lab units Conversion Calculator. Convert Renin level to pmol/L, ng/L, ng/dL, ng/100mL, ng%, pg/mL, μIU/mL, mIU/L. Clinical laboratory units online conversion from conventional or traditional units to Si units. Table of conversion factors for Renin.